About Us

Our Vision & Mission

At Veterans.Technology, our vision is to help veterans integrate into tech jobs by reframing their already developed leadership and communication skills and making them accessible to the market. We believe that veterans possess unique skills and experiences that are invaluable to the corporate world.

Our mission is to ensure that these skills are recognized and utilized to their fullest potential. We provide the necessary resources, networking opportunities, and support to help veterans transition smoothly into civilian careers.

By bridging the communication gap between the military and the corporate world, we strive to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce that benefits both veterans and employers alike.

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On-Deck Program: Conference Highlights



Fostering diversity, recognizing unique skills and experiences.



Expose the veterans in tech startup scene & promote entrepreneurial ecosystem to launch new companies.



Showcasing successful veterans who are blazing the trail in the tech industry.



Promote STEM outreach to veterans in tech makes tech a destination for future opportunities.